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Bug Catcher Formicaium/Outworld neodymium magnets lid

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#1 Offline Lazarus - Posted September 25 2017 - 2:45 PM


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This is a formicarium/outworld I made from a dollar store 'bug catcher' toy. I thought it would be good since it already had a 'door' in the lid and I hoped to use expanding foam to close the air vents. That did not work out as well as I'd hoped so I then used a piece of plexiglass as a lid with neodynium ('rare earth') magnets embedded in both the base and then having a matching magnet at the same positions in the sheet of plexiglass. I was careful to have the magnets set flush with the top of the base and then again flush with the bottom of the lid. Magnets glued with 30 minute epoxy. Seems solid as I can lift the entire thing just holding onto the lid. To remove it, a sliding motion breaks the adhesion.


The 5 Chamber nest area was molded with clay and them formed with unsanded grout. One chamber has hole going to the outworld.





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#2 Offline FeedTheAnts - Posted September 25 2017 - 2:49 PM


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cool, how do you hydrate it?

I accidentally froze all my ants 

#3 Offline Lazarus - Posted September 25 2017 - 2:56 PM


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cool, how do you hydrate it?

I'm thinking of building one of those small 'stand up' water towers.


Something like this video by Crystal S:


PS: Crystal (who I believe is the same as CrystalS member here) is a goddess! Learned so much about building forminariums from her vids including how I created the mold here.

Edited by Lazarus, September 25 2017 - 3:06 PM.

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