Yesterday 7/5/16 I ended up catching what I'm 95% sure is a Pogonomyrmex Occidentalis queen.

Ill be sure to update this and my other journals as more happens.
Edited by XZero38, July 6 2016 - 7:06 AM.
Yesterday 7/5/16 I ended up catching what I'm 95% sure is a Pogonomyrmex Occidentalis queen.
Ill be sure to update this and my other journals as more happens.
Edited by XZero38, July 6 2016 - 7:06 AM.
My Current Colonies:
Good luck to ya if they are queens. The one I kept grabbing were just the I didn't know that I should be checking out the thorax.
"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"
They all have a larger thorax and wing scars. Plus I've noticed that the gaster is more rounded then the workers.
Just found a fourth queen. Saw her roaming around testing the dirt by digging in random places.
I didn't have any more test tubes, but i found a small water bottle in my car so i rinsed it out and got her.
Edited by XZero38, July 6 2016 - 9:18 AM.
My Current Colonies:
Hahaha.....I don't even want to put myself out there. If I find you..I'm out of containers at this point. And I feel like its too hot for me right now...But if you're in Denver finding them, I should be able to find them in the Longmont area. what's your plan to house the Pogonomyrmex? Tank setup, window pane, something else?
"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"
Hahaha.....I don't even want to put myself out there. If I find you..I'm out of containers at this point. And I feel like its too hot for me right now...But if you're in Denver finding them, I should be able to find them in the Longmont area. what's your plan to house the Pogonomyrmex? Tank setup, window pane, something else?
I havent decided on what I'm gonna do as far as tank setup goes.
My Current Colonies:
The ones if caught so far i havent done anything other then go through my normal routine during the week. Just been keeping an eye on the ground as i go about my day.
My Current Colonies:
Quick little update.
Lost the queen that i had in the water bottle on my way home from work yesterday.
The one i have at home and the two that made it from yesterday have all been setup in tubes and i gave each of them 4-5 seeds each and they have since settled down, no more pulling at the cotton.
Good news though! I ended up finding 3 more queens this morning out front of the dog daycare. There are a bunch of founding chambers there so when i see them running around if i have any empty containers on me i try and catch them.
My Current Colonies:
Man.....I'm going to just watch these from a distance and pretend what if for next year. ...I say that now....but if one was on my doorstep I'd capture her. Glad you've been able to find all of the queens you were after. Now for them to poop out some eggs!
"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"
So after doing a little bit of browsing over the past couple days, I found a great post on keeping Pogonomyrmex. http://www.formicult...-and-technique/
After reading that i remembered seeing a post by Crystals who is having to sell of a bunch of ant keeping stuff, and one thing that i remembered was the small clear boxes with the test tube setup in them.
So remembering that there is a Container Store here in denver i decided to check their site for something similar and found these http://www.container...ductId=10032168
So Crystals I'm gonna have to use your idea and put the test tube setups in these small boxes.
This will give the queens a place to lay her eggs and a small foraging area.
My Current Colonies:
So while i was getting my Pogonomyrmex queens setup with a small foraging area i checked up on the 3 from the day before and the three of them had all laid 5-6 eggs.
But as promised here are pictures of their setup. Sorry for the grainy pictures it was taken in pretty low light as i didn't really want to disturb the tetras and mimicus that was in there as well.
Edited by XZero38, July 8 2016 - 6:17 AM.
My Current Colonies:
You make me want to go find one for a window pane set up damnit!
"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"
You make me want to go find one for a window pane set up damnit!
Haha, well if you want after they get a few workers i can give/sell one to you?
My Current Colonies:
It's that I'm not prepared for them. I'd have to have a set up. I need to figure out where I'm going to keep the tetras. Finally moved them all into the same room/closet right now. But eventually they will have their "tank areas". Going to have to think about lighting/watering options. I wish it were as easy as buying Uncle Miltons Giant Ant Farm and dropping her in it. Could tape a heat wire to the back and just drop in water daily. Might just take one of those anyways as the formicarium leading to the outworld..... I did like antcanadas Pogonomyrmex box. Damn you ants! Stop taking my money!
"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"
I am currently using test tube setups but they are slightly different. I use the water in the tube and a cork stopper that's cut out large enough for the queen to enter and exit. I place the tube into a small container box (I bought mine from Crystal and Drew) and place a decline for the tube so the water stays against the cotton and the tube doesn't roll around. The great thing about the box is it longer and wider than the test tube and allows you to place food and substrate for the queens. Drew added hydrostone to the bottom in case of flooding from the test tube the ants should be able to escape with little to know harm. Ill see about posting some pics later if you are interested.
Current Colonies;
Acromyrmex Versicolor
Dorymyrmex Bicolor
Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus
Last Update: 08 Jul 2016
Haha, i actually found a site that sells adult ant farms. https://www.antstore...itch_country=SK
My Current Colonies:
Also, the purpose of the substrate allows the queen to seal the nest entrance if fully claustral and allows them to forage if semi-claustral.
Current Colonies;
Acromyrmex Versicolor
Dorymyrmex Bicolor
Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus
Last Update: 08 Jul 2016
I am currently using test tube setups but they are slightly different. I use the water in the tube and a cork stopper that's cut out large enough for the queen to enter and exit. I place the tube into a small container box (I bought mine from Crystal and Drew) and place a decline for the tube so the water stays against the cotton and the tube doesn't roll around. The great thing about the box is it longer and wider than the test tube and allows you to place food and substrate for the queens. Drew added hydrostone to the bottom in case of flooding from the test tube the ants should be able to escape with little to know harm. Ill see about posting some pics later if you are interested.
Of course! Its always nice to see what others are doing with their setups.
My Current Colonies:
Damn....I really like some of that clean lookin' glass action. Might have to search around on that site now..
"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"
You might want to check out Ants Canada, THA (Tar Heel Ants in NC USA), BiFormica and if you are looking for something specific ask Drew he has lots of formicaries from founding through mature colonies.
Current Colonies;
Acromyrmex Versicolor
Dorymyrmex Bicolor
Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus
Last Update: 08 Jul 2016
Those don't look like they have any thought for hydration or feeding besides through the top might as well be uncle Milton's.
Current Colonies;
Acromyrmex Versicolor
Dorymyrmex Bicolor
Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus
Last Update: 08 Jul 2016
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