Genus: Aphaenogaster
Species: floridana
Common Name:
Colony Stage: Fresh Queen
Caught Date: 05-28-2020
Eggs: 05-30-2020
Larva: 06-28-2020
Nanitics: 07-13-2020
Special Needs:
Do they Sting or bite?:
Escape Artists?:
Queen or colony count: 1 Queen
Seemed healthy and laid her first egg.
Noticed her first worker today!
Thriving! But nest tends to mold. They seem to be bad about keeping old food and pooping in their nest. However I water them with tiny test-tubes with cotton. They have shredded some of the cotton and used it both to soak up and clean up mold/poo and takes that out into their graveyard/trash pile. They also use the cotton to soak up and pull honey from their honey feeder.
Edited by BitT, February 15 2022 - 4:04 PM.